I sing to keep the darkness away
Big Grin

The past few days had been freezing, a chill wind blowing the snow across the lands as it came down in thick blankets. Jasper, keeping to himself in his tree house for the most part, had only watched on for days as it happened. Seti wasn't anywhere to be found, which concerned the young male to no end, but Jasper chose to pass the time hoping for the best rather than fearing the worst. Today, though, it seemed as if there was a break in the constant wind and snow, leading the sandy colored male to believe that today would be the day to go out and restock his supply of fish.

With his little red wagon, which he pulled along by the rusted handle, he made his way in the direction of the river. It was odd, really, since he'd been on the very same mission when he'd met Seti, when he spotted a pup just laying there. His immediate thought was that it was his small friend but, as he rushed over, Jasper realized that this pup was far to small to be Seti. "Are you alright?" He asked as he near, his voice quite loud in comparison to how he normally spoke. Immediately, Jasper dropped to his knees in the snow, looking over the form of the child to try and see if it was alright.


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