Skeleton Me, Love don't Cry
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There was certainly a difference between talking to the Lt. General and her mothers. Of course she had drowned them in the tears she shed as she spoke of the event, but they had wanted to know much more about her physical condition, about the assailant, and about what truly happened. Savina’s concern was just a bit different. She could speak to her calmly, explain that she understood her feelings and give her the advice she needed to move forward. To move passed her fear. Her mothers had been too panicked to shower her with confidence building words.

Haven had needed to leave in order to face his fear. Living beyond the security that she and their family would bring him would allow him to stand on his own and find that he was truly unlike their father. Not matter how often she told him, there was no way for him to truly know if he did not face it on his own. But unlike her brother, Mati needed her family. She needed to prove that she could stand guard and protect them as they always had her. Maybe in that return, and in that sort of gratitude she would find a way to face her fears.

I hope I can move on. She spoke meekly, but as she leaned more on the other wolfess Mati felt the support that she so whiling gave. I think I can. She spoke with a sigh, she wouldn’t give into the pain that she felt and would pull herself through it no matter what. If she could be here so that she could feel safe as she grew her confidence, Mati would flourish and become strong in every way.

table by Syd


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