Let us sway into the sunset
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... arts-1.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
"She's a wild heart"

He must have not noticed her until she spoke. Svara watched him stop with the sword and look at her. He was going to be a strong male when he was older, and for some reason she could already tell she would love him like she loved Firefly. Crossing her arms over her chest she leaned against the cabin and listened to him. Of course she saw right through his words. He didn't think she could take the stress with her wounds. Svara would have said something but he was probably right and his concern was better taken then attacked.

"Lets walk cause I can't sit right now." She moved passed him and started down the beach front. The crashing waves were something she had become accustom to and was finding relaxing. Not looking behind her she continued to walk so to keep her body from getting stiff. Svara wondered if Haven knew she had her memories back. Weather he did or not she didn't know, but Svara was sure he would figure it out on his own. A part of her was so nervous of being a leader of this pack. She didn't want to screw this up, and the fading red she wolf kept asureing herself she wouldn't.


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