the sun's coming up
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Two months. She couldn't believe it. Her little babes were already nearly two months old. How could it have possibly been so long? The day they had been born was so fresh in her mind it could have taken place yesterday. Currently she was sitting out on the porch of the mansion watching them as they played together. The mother hadn't taken then out very far from the manor since that first day when that woman had made her temper rise. Amata had been scolded for wandering so far away from the group and while she thought her daughter had learned her lesson she hadn't been ready to test it yet.

An unexpected howl from a very familiar voice rang through the air and Savina's eyes lit up. It had been so long since she had seen the de le Peor girl. Her own daughter had just been born and that was months ago. She got her feet shaking her pelt as her pups looked up at her. "Come follow me, my bambini! We're going to see one of mommy's dear friends!" Their little tails wagged and they each gave an excited yip as they followed her down the steps and out into the grass leading towards the lake.

As Ryan's dress-clad form came into sight Savina shifted and she stood up, wavy raven locks flowing in the spring summer breeze. "Ryan! I've missed you so much!" Her slender arms wrapped around her in a hug and the Marino-Sadira children gathered around at their feet, looking up at the new lady.


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