Let us sway into the sunset
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The boy knew his true meaning wasn't strongly veiled by his words, but he hoped that she wouldn't take it the wrong way. It wasn't that he didn't think she was strong and able, she obviously was, it was just the last thing either of them needed was for her to open up any of her wounds. The attack hadn't been that long ago and her body was undoubtedly still recovering from the trauma. He wondered if her mind was still recovering too. Either way he wondered if he'd notice. He had only met her that one time before the pack had formed. Would he be able to tell the difference between the old Svara and the one that had lost all her memories?

Haven gave the Constable a smile. "Walking it is then." He had barely gotten the words out when she started on her way. Swiftly he returned his sword to its scabbard and stashed it in the house, closing the door. He jogged lightly to catch up with her, closing the distance easily. For a moment his eyes went to look at the waves crashing against the shore. He would enjoy being so close to the ocean. It's steady rhythm had a calming element to it. "So how are you feeling? It's good to see you up and around." Very good, considering she had almost died on the beach.

Idly he wondered if she had regained her memories if she remember that she hadn't much liked him at their first meeting. Haven was better than he had been then. Much better. Still, he worried somewhat if there would be any harsh words thrown at him from the wolf he walked beside.


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