You and I must fight for our rights
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She could see his eyes narrow as he considered the situation. The woad marked fae pressed her blade into the lock, allowing her blade to sing audibly in the bright air as its edge scraped uselessly against the hilt. And then he moved, twisting his blade. Badb, caught in that hold, was taken with the longsword’s path. With that simple movement, her blade was taken easily from her grasp, the celtic sword clattering out of reach to the stone floor, the song it sung for the woman falling silent for their distance. Cwmfen was pleased with the boy, and in the silence she merely gave a curt, "Good," before she herself was thrown into motion. This spar, while for practice, was a spar nonetheless, and the warrior would do what she had trained herself to do. Of course, this spar was also to test the boy, to discover where to begin. Then the true training could begin.

Cwmfen did not bother going after her sword. With their proximity, there was still much that could be done even in the absence of the sword. If Haven had been quick enough to raise his blade to continue the spar, the woman would have moved in, bringing her arm up to either catch the blade near the hilt or catch the boy by the wrists, aiming a light but accurate punch in his solar plexus. But if Haven had not been quick enough, moving in the woman would have reached down, catching both of his arms by scooping her hand beneath his limbs and bringing it up to shoulder height, forcing his torso to twist. How the boy escaped from her, if he could, was left to his mind. The purpose of that attack would be to show the white and orange Knight that the sword, while important, was not everything. He would need to learn physical combat as well—and many techniques tended to overlap with similarities.


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