Times of Healing

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... athban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
they make each other nervous! XD

She did not speak, but Heath could tell that his actions made her uneasy. She hardly flinched at the brief contact, but he still could see that she was far from relaxed with his touch. He immediately moved back slightly, knowing that he had made the wrong decision. Ruri’s own paw moved to her face and removed the rest of the hair from her blind view, and Heath looked away not wanting to make her uncomfortable with his stare. Then she spoke, drawing his gaze to her once again. Her sympathy was real, and from any other it would have been rejected. He didn’t want to be made the victim, and he didn’t want to felt sorry for. But her words could not be abandoned, and he was about to thank her for her kindness when she spoke again. They began with a stutter, and ended by thanking him for his company.

Unsure of what to say, Heath watched as she raked her thin fingers through her mane. It was a nervous action that was contagious. Did she want him to leave? Was that the meaning of her appreciation? Heath looked around, wondering is she sensed the presence of another while he was so absorbed in hers. There was none other, only the pair that sat beside the cabin. She did not cast him aside because one of her friends had returned. He had wanted to help, but her unease couldn’t lead him to believe that he had. She was still on the same edge that she had greeted him with. Talking about it does help. He agreed, feeling the weight lift from his shoulders, though her reaction was an entirely new one.

Still she said nothing, and he could not translate the meaning of her silence. I can go, if you want. If I’ve worn out my welcome The words were not much more then a whisper, and weaker then he had wanted them to sound. He swallowed, wondering if she really just wanted him gone. If she did he would go, but only because she asked him too. There was an honesty that he yearned for, and hoped that she would give him. If he had made her upset, he hoped she would tell him.

table by erin


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