I sing to keep the darkness away
Dimono cocked his head to the side curiously, "Change?" He had no idea what the Male meant to change. It sounded weird to Domino changing form being a wolf. But maybe that wasn't what Jasper meant. Maybe it was something else. AS he mentioned the city Domino looked quizzically up at the male. "What's a city? Is it a quiet place? Where i grew up you could sing along with the grass jumpers, and there were owl who you could hear in the night that would join Monty whenever he sang. I heard another wolf once but my parents told me to hide in the basement when they talked to him." He shrugged but his voice was interrupted as another Howl emitted from the trees.

"Stay? Alright, as long as I can get more of that food. It was delicious. You cook great." domino siad hoping he used his new word right. He was proud that he remembered and puffed out his chest at the fact. Tuck chose this moment to swoop down and land on Dominoes nose ruining the prideful moment.

"Hello Tuck. Sorry i ignored you." He said true apologie in his voice. Tuck gave an acknowledging chirp and a rap on the nose for the offense but looked onto the pup with kindness again. He flitted his wings before turning back to Jasper approval in his eye this time. He gave a curt bow telling Jasper he approved but it was short showing that the wolf still hadn't earned the fatherly birds complete trust.

"Do you think if we find them that they'll come and live with me here? Its safe here and we are aloud outside at night. I think they'd like it don't you?" Domino listened as Jasper asked abotu what his parents looked like and replied energetically. "Of course I remember. You woulda liked mama. She was purty. She looked like an angle and as nice as one to. And papa was huge, nearly twice her size, but he had a gentle voice, that was a deep, deep baritone. When he talked it would vibrate through your chest. Together they looked like a rite beautiful match."

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