Times of Healing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

The sensitive border collie could feel the unease in the air between herself and Heath. Had she upset him by being surprised by his touch? She hadn't meant to; it was just that she was not used to having someone touch her. Jac had been the only person she'd ever really allowed to touch her, although that was because he was her friend. Heath was her friend too, wasn't he? It certainly seemed like he wanted to be, and she certainly wouldn't mind it if he was her friend. When he acknowledged her statement with a statement of his own, Ruri smiled, glad that he was accepting of her gratitude. However, what he asked next, she did not expect. Did she want him to leave? "N-no...of course not...what ever gave you that idea?" Her soprano voice questioned in a worried, almost desperate tone of voice. "I didn't mean to upset you...I just wasn't expecting to feel your hand touch my hair," she explained, timidly. It was embarrassing for her to have to apologize for something which she hadn't known would offend the male. "You must understand, for me, feeling another person touching any part of me is a different experience from someone who can see. Touch is one of the best ways I can view people and things around me. When you touched my hair, it surprised me. Imagine if you were doing something and something else jumped out from behind you and you hadn't heard it coming. I'm not upset...just surprised," She explained, her delicate white--furred fingers feeling to touch the male's withdrawn hand. "You don't have to go...if you don't want to." The ivory and merle female smiled in a warm yet almost pleading fashion, her feathery-furred tail giving an expectant wag in hopes that he would stay for just a bit longer. She wasn't ready to return to her worries...not yet.


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