Times of Healing

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His confidence was low, and he fought to understand if it was the subject of his mother, or the words he had spoken of his father that made him vulnerable. It could have been Ruri, but he didn’t want to admit that she was possibly more intimidating then anyone he had yet to meet. Her words only spoke of his further insecurity while around her, but she didn’t want him to go. Heath held onto that as she spoke, keeping him afloat as embarrassment rose to his surface. He was beginning to understand her, and she was beginning to speak more then she had since his arrival, at least words that did not hold tears. The male held to that as well, I’m sorry, you were so quiet. I didn’t know if you wanted to be alone. His smile returned as he babbled, but it was only a shadow of its former self. You didn’t upset me. he paused, his voice holding a certain softness. I was afraid that I upset you. I promise, next time… I will ask first.

He felt her fingers gently touching his, the warmth of them easing the tension he hadn’t noticed he was holding. Gold eyes looked down to them, and ever so slowly he moved his own so that their palms touched. I don’t want to go. The hybrid spoke simply before letting his eyes rest upon her face once again, watching her smile and matching it. The sentence was solid, pure and felt as if filled with more truth then Heath thought possible. There was silence, and Heath breathed it in along with her scent. There was ease in the quiet, no longer the nervousness that they had both felt. He was comfortable beside her, though his hand did not move to clasp hers. He let his palm cradle hers, waiting until she told him it was ok, with or without words.

Will you stay here, when you find him? Heath questioned meekly, breaking the silence to satisfy his worries. He wondered if he would be able to find her again, when he had left and her friend was found. He knew very well that it be this way, and then there was a chance that he wouldn’t be able to find her again. His hand held hers, and Heath looked to it again. The ivory against the dark color of his paw, he suddenly wondered where the fight gone from his large fist. She had taken the will from his entire body, and he didn’t understand how.

table by erin


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