just below the radar
He knew that his comments were beginning to get under her skin but all it did was bring a soft smile to his lips as he continued on. Banter and jesting walked hand in hand with the male, but as did care and concern. He could see that something horrible had stunted the growth of the beautiful girl, more to her psyche than her physical being, but still, it was a sad case indeed. The ghost of a smile that greeted him made him turn his eyes fully to the young bloom as she brush by his silky words with more thoughtful phrases.

Sankor straightened up as he turned his sparkling golden eyes back to his newly found friend. "Well, I for one care what a flower thinks. If you don't listen to the flowers and pay attention how will you ever know what will make them blossom or make them wilt." He flicked his tail back and forth as he thought, hesitating for a second before replying. "We don't come with an instruction manual that tells us what to do.. we have to learn.. sometimes the hardest way.." He turned to gaze at Colibri for a moment as he gave her a slight smile before slowing his pace to a gentle crawl so that they could gaze upon the beauty about them.

He was silent a moment as he turned his eyes towards a cluster of morning glories that had begun to tightly close back up for the rest of the day as he spoke, "I for one wouldn't mind a few weeds in my garden.. sometimes it's the weeds that are the most beautiful, even if they only shine for a little while each day before shying away from the world." He always had liked morning glories, the soft whites with the dashes of blue, pink or yellow at their hearts. Such delicate blossoms and yet they clung so fierce to the world around them.

His voice that filled the silence was interrupted by her disbelief at his own admittance. He turned those forest flecked orbs towards her as he raised a brow. So she didn't believe him, that was fine enough. "You don't have to believe me, as long as I believe myself." His eyes glittered slightly as he glanced off towards the direction of the human village in their own little world. "I'm afraid of many things actually. The disapproval of my friends and family, not knowing what it's like to try new things.. and never completely finding just who I am in this great field of beautiful flowers." he turned back towards her as he suggested. "I think perhaps I'd like to be a thistle. Beautiful to gaze at when in bloom, but slightly annoying and prickly." He tried not to react to his own words but a slight chuckle blossomed up through his throat as he shook his head, finally just sighing as they continued on.

His ears flicked upright as she finally tried to argue against him on the one subject she could not win, not yet atleast. He tilted his head to the side as he smiled and raised his eyes skyward as he asked back, not arguing outright, instead taking a more indirect approach. "Were you having fun?.." He highly doubted that she was having much fun, she seemed so skittish that when he'd spoken back to her that she would have ran for the hills if it hadn't been so impolite. He made a little promise to himself to try and help the girl break out of his shell. He'd heard the rumors of what had happened to her but he didn't know if he could fully believe a rumor but something had shaken the child to her core and he was going to find out.

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