From here they can't see me stare


The more Brooklyn stared at this stranger, the more at ease she felt. It was a bit impossible to say why exactly, considering just how different they both were, but he didn't seem to mean her any harm. When he did apologise and even smile at her, she felt herself growing even more calm, despite the fact that she did not belong to Inferni and he could easily chase her off the beach. While he wasn't exactly stupid, it seemed like a mistake Haven would have made. The girl realised how much she missed her brother. How it ached that she hadn't seen him in so long. Really, where could he be? No matter how much she wanted to hate him for leaving like that, he was still her brother and she couldn't find it in her heart to do it.

"You're not stupid, I did overreact a bit. It's just something my brother would have done: foolish and unexpected." She gave him a warm smile in return. But when he expressed concern for her safety, she found herself transported back to the time of her first visit to Inferni. She had promised that coyote that she would never come here alone again, but obviously that was not the case. Here she stood, brave and innocent, thinking nothing could harm her. As she gazed into the male's eyes, Brooklyn realised that he truly was a good person. That he would not hurt her on purpose. His accent made her ears flicker for a second. "I've heard that line before. My name's Brooklyn D'Angelo. And yours? I know this place isn't really safe for wolves, but you don't look like a coyote so I assumed you wouldn't hurt me." It was a bold-faced lie, because she had expected to be alone on the beach, but really, the girl hoped she could get away with it. She wasn't here to spy or anything, so that made her safe, right? "If you want me to leave, I guess I could do so. It's just... I wanted to see something new, you know? Get away from home for a while."


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