I sing to keep the darkness away
I bet they're stalking yoouuuu! XP

"The rabbit and stuff is back where I live, farther into the lands beside the lake. Little hard to find my house for new people though, cause it's up in a tree." It was one of the fews things that Jasper was proud of. As far as he knew he was the only one to have a house in a tree and, on top of that, he'd built it himself. "So long as you don't mind eatin' fish for now, you can have all you want." Jasper proceeded to bring the pouch back into view as he spoke, opening the top of it up as wide as he could. He then laid it in front of the pup, with all of the meat revealed, which was a good sized pile, and folded his hands back into his lap.

"I know whatcha mean, I've got a friend like that." The sandy colored male wouldn't say anything further than that though, at least not yet. He suspected that it might be hard to explain to a pup that his friend was a ghost and he also ran the chance of scaring the boy or making him think that Jasper was crazy. "So, Tuck here been takin' care of ya the whole time?" He eyed the bird a moment, mostly out of curiosity.


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