Utsutu Tsugi Dawali

Sorry for the wait again, but now I'm properly settled in at least, and my response time won't be along the lines of 2 weeks anymore Tongue
Word count: 435

She elaborated the subject of Haven in a manner that suggested that him being a king was simply ludicrous. Apparently he was a knight instead, and her brother it seemed. Dawali chuckled as she described herself as a prince - perhaps she had been given the honor of explaining that she would have to be a princess, being a girl? And a pretty one at that, even though she had lost her feather. You know, dear, girls are princesses. It's only boys that are princes - you can't be a girl and a boy at the same time. Not wanting to spoil her illusion of having more power than her brother, though, he added another sentence to the statement, which should perhaps ease the message. But! Princesses always have knights and warriors who work for them, so then you are probably their regent, you know. There are no knights without a prince or princess deciding what they do. Except, of course, those who had kings and queens..

A series of questions poured out of the child, and somehow he thought of Noir. Brooklyn had that same touch right then, of curiosity, and wanting to know everything. Brooklyn's speech was far better, though. Again a chuckle flew from his throat as he looked at the girl with a warm gaze - so easily entertained by small children's whims. That is, except Attila's, who also enjoyed negative attention. It seemed Brooklyn and Noir were gentler beings. Hehe, no Brooklyn, I'm not the dad - my wife died a few years ago. It's Tayui who has children, a good friend of your auntie Ember. Their names are Attila, Oceane, Claudius and Noir, and are probably just a little bit younger than you I suppose. He hoped he had said them in the right order as he had wanted to, by age. Perhaps he had mentioned them by size, rather. It didn't matter. As her attention was brought onto the process of weaving she gave him some new questions to answer, and he did so gladly. He found a particular joy in teaching and speaking with children. My father and mother taught me to do this, and their parents taught them, and their parents taught them again. Everyone has been doing it for a long long time, and when my daughters were old enough I taught them to do it, too. His hand reached out and ruffled the hairs on the top of her head as he spoke his last sentence. I'll teach you when you're old enough, if you still want to learn it. How about that?

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin


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