Taking a Break

WC: 300+
You are correct, sir! Smile

lost into the weight of gravity

"Gawky" was the first word that came to mind as she blinked at the werewolf that came to loom over her. Had he gotten taller? Colibri couldn't keep the small - but warm - smile from her lips as she rose, genuinely happy to see him. She had meant to converse with him at the pack meeting they had mutually attended, but even though they drew close by the bonfire, both had their attentions diverted by other friends.

Shifting the clay teacup to one hand, she returned his shy wave, relief in her light blue eyes that it was her friend that came calling and not a stranger. "Hello, Rath," she said softly, inclining her head politely. "It's good to see you... and I have nothing going on, so I'd be happy to chat with you. Would you like to come inside?" She found that she did not stumble on her words nearly as much as she had the first time they met, and whether that was due to her familiarity with him and his own timid nature, or whether she was gradually becoming better at interacting, she was not certain.

She did not wait for an answer, but rather stepped lightly up to the door, holding it open for her friend. "You m-might have to duck your head," she added with a chuckle, dubiously eying the doorframe. Apparently werewolves grew taller than humans, because the repossessed dwelling had rather short ceilings. They would be sitting at the table, though, she wasn't about to make him hunch over for however long he wanted to visit.

The fire crackled low in the fireplace, eating up the last of its fuel. This was the first time Coli had lit it by herself, and while she liked that it added a little background noise and a friendly glow to the otherwise dim rooms, there was no real need for heat in the warm spring weather. She needed to save her limited wood supply for the harsh winter months, if this year was any indication. And she needed to get better at brewing tea, too. "I can offer you a drink," she began, staring sadly at the wan liquid in her cup, "but y-you might not like it very much..."


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