First Lady From the Plains
Zana had no clue what in the world was going on between the two adults but she didn't think she cared for the mud smeared monster who had been destroying the beautiful world just moments ago. While she clung to Coli she whined and tried to hide her head as the chocolate and cream lady began to free her captured foot. She glanced fearfully at the white wolf as she sniffled. "I didn't wanna change, the monster made me.." Though the monster wasn't the same as the one who'd burned her tail they were all still monsters the same.

When Colibri freed her foot and chided her for having such silly notions in her head about wolves eating coyotes she pulled on the lady's fur and shook her head, staring up at her in disbelieve as she squealed. "They do too! The big brown one with blue eyes tried to and the yellow eyed monster did as well!" She was beginning to shake thinking of the monsters of her past as she began to wring her hands around the little leather pouch as she nervously glanced over to Cercelee. "She still might eat me.." she whispered loudly.

In almost no time the white lady had pushed away that idea as she tried to defend herself and the whole pack. Zana narrowed her eyes in doubt and tried to hide from the white wolf as she muttered. "How you knows, you're not everybody!" Really, she kept things from Ryan and let Ryan assume that she knew everything, it made perfect sense to her than others might do the exact same thing, but Zana's things she hid weren't horrible like trying to eat a poor little girl just for fun.

Suddenly it seemed that the attention was all on her as the important lady seemed to decide that she wanted to know more about the child. Zana pushed herself away from Colibri and glance around, looking to see if there was a way to escape incase the one called Cercelee decided to keep her here. She picked at the piece of leather holding her pouch shut as she replied. "She showed me how to make the mean old birds go away. She found flowers and leaves and berries and showed me." she glanced back to Colibri, hoping that she wasn't getting the other in trouble as she spoke.

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