cramming the world into a (phrase)

indent Something had changed. He knew this from the moment that Laruku had walked up to the borders and practically spit in his face. The urge to strike him had risen with undying fury, and it took more self control then he wanted to admit to hold his traitor hand back. A bond of friendship was all that kept him steady, as weak and thread-bare as that may be. These two were distant brothers, each born from rape, each conceived with madness in his soul.

indentIdle hands were the devil’s playthings, and so Ahren found his own pushing back the heavy dreadlocks that gave credit to his Leo nature. “All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity,” the blonde replied, one foot curling on its toes as the other took his whole weight. While he himself was not injured as his sister-cousin was, time had done work on his body and the cold was felt deep in his bones.


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