living canvas
Firefly had been so engrossed in examining the piercing and deciding if she wanted to take them with her that she had barely even noticed that she'd had a shadow take to following her unto he was already behind her. Her arm gave a twitch as his voice filled the room, quickly she removed her hand from beneath the counter and turned her surprised eyes to the younger male. "Hallo Haven, what are you doing?" she asked. She realized that if he'd seen the mess outside he was probably wondering the same about her.

She returned her eyes back to the jewels and rings as she plucked the whole display out from under the glass and set them atop the glass. She whirled one of the earrings on her nail as she turned back to the male and smiled. "You can never have too many trinkets, you never know when another might want one.." She'd known the priestess in the old world clan had kept anything that she'd thought another might find interest in, keeping them stored away on shelves and wrapped in leather and cloth. Firefly had learned much from the woman but she'd put little of it to use since she'd left the motherlands.

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