A Paper Thin Hymn

Eep, you're too kind! It's your beautiful writing that inspires me to try harder! ^///^
WC: 600+

lost into the weight of gravity

The aromatic flowers around her were pushed from her mind, their sunny faces abandoned in favor of one face in particular. Coli wanted to blurt out how many times she had planned to seek her out, and how many times her courage had failed her, distracting her with menial tasks and conversations that were quickly forgotten. She wanted to say how even though the wine had blurred her memories of that night, her dreams kept the moment alive, returning her to the lake that glittered with a thousand stars. She wanted to admit that even though her imagination had built up great expectations for Anu's beauty and kindness and attractiveness, that right here and right now she had already surpassed everything. Coli had never been in this situation before, had no way she could have prepared herself for this complete immersion. It had made her so nervous, believing that she had made a horrible mistake in taking that beautiful kiss seriously, because it was probably nothing to the worldly Crimson Dreams werewolf, and she would be lucky if the woman even remembered her name. And yet, against all odds... who had appeared but Anu, calm and smiling and dazzling.

Anu had transformed her, given her hope without even meaning to, giving her a reason to dream. She knew she barely knew the woman, and it was too soon to call it "love", as Haven had gently reminded her. It took time, understanding, patience, a great deal of things of which she had little experience. This was her first crush. Perhaps that made her a late bloomer, or she could chalk it up to how her sire had stunted her maturity. She had tried to ask for advice, but no one had been able to come through for her. She still didn't know if she was being impetuous, if it was a terrible idea to try and commit herself to a high-ranked female of another pack who was just coming off a serious rebound, or if at her core she really did prefer the company of males and was just too traumatized to deal outright with that side of her. There were a million things wrong with her. She knew it. She had tried to be as open as she could with Anu, so that she knew it, too. And despite all of her problems... this was still happening. And Colibri couldn't have felt happier.

A soft hand clasped around her fidgeting fingers, instantly stilling them as the warmth flooded from the meaningful contact. A reward, for her bold request. She inhaled the sweet scent of the older fae beside her, trying to keep the dreamy smile from wreathing her muzzle as she exhaled. It had been like this, when they shared the sunset - how had they ever parted ways? Knowing now how real this was, that someone really did exist to make her heart race with anticipation, she didn't think she could ever walk away again. How was Anu always so calm around her? If they felt anything alike, both of them should be reduced to stammering, blushing little girls - and at that moment, she saw that the tendrils of pink had indeed begun to scrawl upwards through the pale-furred wolf's countenance, and it gave her another hit of courage. "How... could I not want to remember the best night of my life?" she whispered, vivid blue eyes searching the other's face, helplessly captivated. Whether or not Anu had meant to bring the innocent woman into her world, she had fallen completely under her spell. It was her magic-laced words that would cut her loose, or ensnare her forever... and the naive girl did not want to be released.



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