From The Ground Up



Jac's face made a big laugh come from him, it was so long since Leroy had laughed that he couldn't help it. His leaders face begged for an escape from the that Leroy had spoke of, though the change in his mind made the husky shack his head before lifting the axe to his shoulder and looking at the work to be done. Thinking Leroy wasn't sure what he wanted to do that day, but first thing that did needed to be done was the wood that would be required to build it. So it was set, cut down a good number of trees then start on the floors and walls.

"well I have only one axe so maybe stacking the wood, don't worry it does have to be neat, we are just getting it down then the work for today is over." Leroy slowly rolled his eyes at Jac's behavior to avoid work,it kinda reminded him of a child in a way but Leroy turned to the tree. Pulling the axe back the first swing brought a loud crack from the wood, swinging again the crack emitted again.
table by Syd


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