living canvas
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The boy gave her a warm smile as she turned, obviously a little startled by his sudden presence. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Sometimes it was impossible to avoid in situations like this though. Not matter how cautiously one approached. "Oh, I was just patrolling the lands. Making sure there weren't any troublemakers about." One side of his smile pulled higher than the other. "Or at least none that don't belong here." Haven wasn't blind, he knew what kind of a group he had fallen into. Jacquez was obviously a rebel, Svara had her sharp tongue, Firefly her temper. While it had taken him a while to remember, Leroy had been the one who had caused some problems in Crimson Dreams. The only innocent one was Ruri.

Jade eyes watched curiously as she pulled the tray from underneath the counter. He could tell that it held a bunch of earrings. Some of them looked a little like his, but many of them were different. He hadn't any idea that there were so many shapes and styles. "I guess that's true, and I already know someone who will. Jac admired my piercing the first time we met. He told me wants one." Their king had been very keen on that idea indeed. "So you know how to do them? That's neat. What's all that stuff in the wagon out there for?" It was obvious it had nothing to do with giving piercings. Haven was oblivious to the other things that wolves could do to modify their appearances by non-natural means.


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