like fire, hellfire, this fire in my skin
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Haven was out near the beach today, not too far from his small house. He held onto a rope that was tied around Drogon's neck. That's what he had named the horse after bringing him here. Though until now he hadn't attempted any training with the stallion. Drogon seemed to have a good personality, friendly at least towards Haven, but the youth had not attempted to ride him or anything of the sort. All he had done was feed him and pay him attention, working on gaining the creature's trust and respect. Though he had learned what he needed to do to make the horse see him as dominant. When he went to feed Drogon he made sure to bring food with and eat before the horse. It really wasn't much different that a pack hierarchy. Those at the top ate first. He hoped that acclamation period would make training go more smoothly.

The luperci had brought a heavy blanket with him to help get the equine used to having some weight upon his back. As he tried to place it on him, Drogon turned his head and nipped at him. "Hey now," Haven said sternly as he returned the nip. "Don't be an ass, haven't I been treating you awfully well?" The mustang snorted as if in recognition. "That's what I thought. I'm not going to try and ride you today, I just want you to carry this blanket around for me." This time he met with no protests as he placed the blanket carefully on the horse's back. "See, that's not so bad is it?"

The first task accomplished he took a hold of the rope and began to walk along the beach with his hoofed companion. He ran a hand down Drogon's neck. "That's a good boy." The horse really was doing a good job. The creatures ears perked forward and Haven could tell that he saw something up ahead. His own jade gaze followed the stallion's and his heart seized in his chest for a moment. Brooklyn? Surely it was his sister, but why had she passed so far into the territory? She knew better than that.


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