tell me teacher, what's my lesson? [aw!]
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ooc -

Thank you. =D And I have to say, every thread I read proves it, but Coli is adorable. x3 436 words.

ic -

Blinking, Princess tried to still her shivering (from nerves, of course) as she watched the older female’s feet. They were strange, shaped like hers were at the moment, and that fact drew the young girl’s eyes up the rest of the stranger’s body, noting that it was very similar to hers at the moment. That reassured her some, making her realize that she wasn’t shaped strangely, but actually correctly. She smiled timidly, though the smile wavered as the adult spoke. Colibri was pretty, and her eyes were striking; Princess automatically thought of her mother’s blue eyes, but fortunately, these eyes did not hold the same look Tokyo’s did. Princess didn’t feel like she should be wary of what she said, and she wasn’t afraid of Colibri turning against her. The woman seemed worried about something, but she seemed friendly enough, regardless. The thought never crossed the girl’s mind that Colibri might be worried about her, the one hiding under a vine in a dark vineyard.

“I’m Princess Chance. . . Or Princess, really. Nice to meet you, Coli,” she sniffed, brushing at her cheeks with her strange paws. She took a moment to look at what the woman had placed on the ground, but she found herself confused. Normally when people picked flowers, they only took the pretty part. That was certainly how she did it, anyway. When picking flowers, who wanted those stringy, dangly parts? They didn’t add to the appeal of the flowers, but it didn’t seem like Colibri was all that concerned with how the flowers themselves looked. Princess didn’t understand why she was carrying damaged flowers with the roots attached, but then, there were lots of things that she didn’t understand at the moment. For example, she had shifted and thought she felt weird, but she also felt strangely comfortable in this skin. She noted that Colibri seemed comfortable as well, but she didn’t have clothes. Were they supposed to wear them here, or was it an option?

Shifting her body out of the huddled position she had been in Princess sat up, looking at the older woman earnestly. “How come you picked flowers with all the stringy parts still on them? Doesn’t that make them less pretty?” She neglected to question the bruises on the flowers, just in case Colibri hadn’t yet noticed the damage done to the flowers. Or perhaps she had picked them because they were not perfect. The logic behind such an idea was lost on Princess, but she had seen adults do stranger things in her lifetime, so she wasn’t particularly keen on completely overruling the idea.


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