Was I born as a promise to keep the peace
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... etable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:409px; border:1px #00FFF6 solid; font-size: 10px;">
ooc -
Rofl Savina scares even meee, and I'm safe behind the computer screen. XD. I'm not sure how long Tokyo's would actually stay once her attempts to salvage the situation fail, she's pretty good at self-preservation. 573 words

ic -
Puppy-speech was annoying in and of itself, but given the situation Tokyo was getting extra annoyed by the non-stop rambling. The older female was tuned out, waiting for the child to finish her rambling and just get out of her way. It was also frustrating how her threat didn't seem to work, because the puppy was still here and still talking. It wasn't until a few seconds after the creamy puppy said something about not being alone that Tokyo's mind translated and fully comprehended the words. Oh, shit. She tensed her muscles, ready to spring away, to avoid the situation, but it hit her full-throttle before she was able to escape.

Umm, yeah. This big black female was probably the kid's mother. And she had two more disgusting little furballs cowering behind her. And yeah, the situation hitting her full-throttle? Not just a pretty figure of speech dancing through her thoughts. Tokyo was knocked over by the force of the impact, easily sent sprawling. She was far from a heavy-weight, and even with a more steady source of food she was still pretty malnourished. Terror clung to the inside of her throat, and she couldn't breathe enough, couldn't get enough air. Well, fuck. She couldn't run now anyway, she was just going to die, die because the dumb puppy would just run.

No. She had to remain calm. Just because the situation was out of her control at the moment didn't mean she couldn't figure a way out of this without losing her hide. Tokyo couldn't just leave; not until her breathing settled down a little. Theoretically, she could still turn around and walk.. but she didn't trust this crazy mother, this offended pack member, to not jump on her back and.. something. Hurt her, probably. Also, she'd have to stand up, and her shoulder was sore from the impact of the dark female and she probably got a scrape or two from hitting the ground. Her ears fell flat against her head, her tail was already curled up tightly against her belly, rendered invisible by the creamy adult's sprawled position. Terror for her life brought out proper respect from Tokyo like few other things in the world did.

Tokyo needed to think quickly. Did the mother actually see her hit the child? Maybe not. She wasn't really paying enough attention to when the dark form appeared in sight. It's possible she didn't actually witness the encounter, and was just enraged by the terror written all over her child. "I'm sorry if I've offended - your daughter was just about to stray over the border, and I happened to be walking by. It's dangerous for her to be leaving the lands. There's a puppy-eating wolf roaming the territories, and I told her she should go back to her mother." She was remarkably pleasant and cheerful, her attitude a complete one eighty degree change from the venom she was spitting out earlier when the danger was less immediate. Very slowly, so that everyone could see what she was doing, she unsteadily got back on her feet, shaking herself to remove the dust that clung to silky fur. She was banking on two facts: the kid might be too upset to counter Tokyo's story, and the mother might not have witnessed her hitting her daughter. If either of those fell through, well, she'd evaluate the situation and revise her story from there. She'd lied her way through worse dilemmas.


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