even Judas knew he had lied
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... ithban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
You can archive this m'love. :3 Other thread soon, ja? We need to plot something out.

The younger boy fascinated her, thrilled her, and kept her entranced. The aura of mystery around him never ceased to amaze her. Reading people’s minds had always been an easy task for the madwoman; however, trying to do so with the Aquila was futile. He was obviously skilled at hiding his thoughts and feelings. It was unbelievably frustrating. Although he’d shown no signs of animosity, the dark femme felt indirectly threatened by the coldness in his eyes. He was an unpredictable man.

Dismissing all negative thoughts, Lillith chose to embrace the moment and take his reply as a compliment. Whether he was being truthful or not was a different story, but she believed him nonetheless. “Very well. I’ll see you around, Gabriel.” Soon. Very soon. That being said, the teal-eyed girl turned on her heels and walked away, headed for the Dampwoods. She needed some time to digest the news.


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