From The Ground Up


"Oui - stacking it is!" Jac confirmed with a bob of his head, fringed ears falling forward. He sauntered backwards several paces, watching Leroy immediately take to work. The axe flashed as it soared above the husky's broad shoulders, thudding noisily as it bit into the tree's trunk. The king tilted his head as he watched intently, having never seen someone use this sort of tool before. Leroy's muscles knotted as he wrenched it free, whirling it forward to crack into the wood again. It seemed a very repetitive job. No wonder the Mason was not fond of building things, despite his knowledge of such tasks.

Jacquez let his mind wander as he stood in the clearing, toes wiggling into the dirt as he fidgeted. He could never stay still for long. Was Ruri with Firefly now, at the cabin? Where had Haven been wandering off to lately? Had any loners sought acceptance yet? Once he finished exploring his shiny new kingdom, he should probably trek around the other unclaimed territories, to see if there were other strays looking for a home. Wolves wandered in all the time, didn't they? Attracted by the large crowds here, seeking solace where they would not find it. There were other hybrids, to be sure - lonely dogs away from their own kind, those with coyote and wolf blood that did not fit in anywhere. It should be easy. But he was impatient; it was taking too long. "Just this one, and the work will be over? How long will that take?" he called over the pounding of the axe, hoping for an answer of "any minute now" or "I'm just finishing up!".




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