"ea nigada qusdi idadadvhn"

Alrighty, thanks! ^^ Oh, and I just made up some random names out of nowhere for those that have perished, hopefully that's okay unless you had someone specific in mind that Dawali knew from before? 500+

At Dawali’s response to this, Asha couldn’t help but give a full on chortle of a laugh. He was good too, with shooting back replies! Perhaps this was where most of wit and sarcasm stemmed from, generally from her father’s side. “I think you might be right about something, considering the fact that you were partially responsible for most of my mathematical education, after all.” Ah, Asha knew just when to press his buttons accordingly, her smirk threatening to break out into a full on grin at her rebuttal. At the mention of Mischka, her grin turned slightly sideways, slightly sensing the seriousness that grew in his stance and voice. “Of course. Someone had to carry on the tradition, you know? I think she’d be greatly disrespected if I didn’t keep my promise and duty of keeping you on your feet.” She noted with an understanding nod. With the fish long gone with the bait, Asha shook her head gently in good humor. “We need to get you back up to par with that, Agidoda.” She gently teased a little bit more, but not as harsh as before, for if Dawali wanted to continue to learn how to fish, it would be a gratifying activity indeed for father and daughter to take part in.

Speaking about Aiyanna and her impressive talents, Asha truly wished that things weren’t the way they were; that the second group did make it to this point, that Aiyanna could be right by their sides, impressing and dazzling them with her skills and new knowledge, and most of all the salvation of those that perished, perhaps they would still be alive to this day. Life was not fair for anyone, however, and things just simply seemed to play out on their own will, destined if it things happened for a reason or if they happened randomly. “Me too. Hopefully she would be able to make journey out here as soon as everything is stable again and everyone is in good health. We were talking about it, and it might be a possibility. I told her of the route, and she’s fairly confident of traveling it.” Asha wanted, in Aiyanna’s free time sometime (which whenever that would be), to come to AniWaya to see her older sister, her father, and everyone else who she knew again, even if it was for a short trip. As far as those that perished, Asha recollected the few names that were stored in mind. “Asli, remember the elder woman with the terrible arthritis? It claimed her. Saloli, that wonderful craftsman, it got him. Also Atsadi, Wadulisi, Gihli.” Most of which who were randomized elders, possibly those Dawali might have known or not. It was onto the children, in which Asha swallowed; even children for her were tough to talk about in this circumstance. “Dekanogi’a and Ahnigi’a were the first of the… children to go. They were of Asli’s family as well.” She shook her head. Knowing Dawali for his practices and what he was for AniWaya after all, he was used to these sorts of things, Asha knew that. For that, Dawali was certainly a strong person in her eyes.


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