Older dreams and deeper nightmares
Some power play. Let me know if it needs changed. Oh! And can you tell me what 'spear-handing' is, or whatever that move was she initially used to strike his solar plexus?

The difference in weight between the two combatants was extreme. As such, when she fell, there was resistance, as her mass wasn't sufficient to move the monster. Instead, when she fell, the blade's edge jerked against the entrapping fingers, severing deeper. A spurt of blood coated the blade now, but VoidFane wasn't done killing her yet. The damage could be considered later. He stepped near to her, and the fallen female kicked up at his gut. There was a sharp impact, but the sinew there was thick...too thick for the strength of her relatively small leg to damage from her position. As she turned to kick again, however, Obsidon shifted in his grip again, causing a final severance in his hand. The thumb fell away, and the fingers lost all strength. Her kicks were ineffectual, but his grip could not hold the blood-slicked steel forever.

VoidFane's left hand wrapped around her lashing ankle, which seemed comically small compared to his massive palm. Stepping back and planting his feet, the nine-foot werewolf summoned all his strength to swing her up off the ground and into a nearby tree, simultaneously damaging his opponent and distancing himself from her newly freed blade. The only available target from her position beneath him had been his legs, and if he were hamstrung, he would be dead soon whether he succeeded here or not. Now, VoidFane would stun her, and finish this. Immediately after her impact, he crossed the distance from where she'd been thrown to where she lay, blood pulsing from his sawed finger tips and severed thumb, pale eyes open and riveted on her form, left arm poised to deliver the killing blow to her neck.

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