a little more for me
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ooc -
backdated to 5/24, immediately after this thread! Big Grin. 373 words.

ic -
Tokyo needed to get home. In the shock of the aftermath, that was the thought she clung to, the thought she filled every synapse of her mind with. She had to go home. She had to get home. Of course, she was also aware of the pain. The largest roar came from the back of her neck, from her right shoulder. Huh, she was limping, weird, why didn't she notice that? That was probably why she wasn't making progress very fast. But she needed to get home. Her footsteps felt a bit sticky and dusty, like the dirt was clinging to her paws. It confused her until she realized that she was bleeding, a lot. Her first worry had nothing to do with the health dangers of massive blood loss; instead, she was much more annoyed that her fur was getting mussed. Her beautiful fur. And the easiest way to wash it, the ocean, well the salt would probably sting. She sighed; the action of breathing deeper tore off some loosely forming scabs from the edges of her worst wounds.

She had to get home. The faint breeze carried the scent of the ocean in it. She was almost home. Wasn't she? Well, she was at the coast. But there sure was a hell of a lot of coast around Dahlia de Mai. Where had she ran into that monster? Panic threatened to rise, dragging along with it whatever the hell her last meal had been. She tasted bile in her mouth, but managed to wrestle her mind back into submission. She wasn't going to think about it. She wasn't going to think about it. Tokyo had to go home. That was all. She had to go home.. and sleep. She was so tired now.. She could stop here. The sky was dark, and an owl hooted softly as it floated by overhead. There was no moon to help guide her feet, she had to rely on her memory of the land, which was definitely lacking in places.

There - that was her den? No.. Wait yes, yes it was! Princess' scent hung in the air. A rush of gratefulness swept through her, and she hurried, still limping, still leaking blood, into her home.


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