living canvas
Firefly couldn't help but give Haven a little coy smirk at the words that he teased her with. The figures of the pack were probably the few that she'd let get away with such words, even though she knew that were trust just as much as he did. She raised a brow as she asked. "And did you find any that didn't belong.. or perhaps that wanted to belong..?" She didn't know how the pack would fair with new blood but she figured that sooner or later they would come trampsing to the door asking for a home and they'd let them in, it didn't mean that Firefly had to like them though.. but she knew in time they'd probably grow on her like the rest of the pack had. A soft smile replaced the coy little smirk as she admitted, "It's good that you're here Haven.."

She turned her eyes back to the earrings as she began to scan them over, the words of the pumpkin hued fellow meeting her twin perked ears as she smiled and asked, "And which one do you think our fearless king would like?" her eyes trailing back to the boy as she went on to explain. "I was to be a priestess in our clan when Davinci and I lived in Eire.." There wasn't much more to say, when they'd returned to their homeland she'd had to leave everything behind, including the trades she'd learned.

When his conversation turned to the articles outside she grinned, picking up the tray of glittering stones and precious metals as she beckoned him to follow her to the wagon. When she reached the load of supplies she set the tray down on top the mess as she tried to explain. "The clan use to use symbols and markings to show the great deeds they'd done or their ranks. They would dye their fur, or even in some instances they would removed the fur entirely and mar the skin with ink or scars. She had the tell-tale signs of a priestess tattooed upon her flesh but once she'd left the clan land she'd let the fur grow back over her markings, the dark pattern of dots upon her cheeks not visible except to those that knew they were there.

She had shown none in the lands the tattooing upon her cheeks but she pressed back the fur on one creamy gold cheek to show the dark crimson and midnight blue markings upon the flesh. She doubted that the boy would be interested anymore in the notion of dying or tattooing, he was almost so straight forward, but sometimes folks surprised her. She smoothed back the fur on her cheeks as she smiled at the male and admitted. [b]"The humans use to do the same.."
As thought justification for the strange ways of her one time clan.

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