catch the mist, catch the myth
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If it was the beach he'd wanted to show Cambria, there were probably a hundred other, more easily accessible places he could have taken her. But he couldn't resist the charm of Whisper Beach, and he hoped that she sensed it too, at least at some level. The sand was soft here, and the ocean was the most beautiful shade of blue-green he had ever seen - except for that of his little girl's eyes. Besides, it was the perfect time of day to come here: just before the heat of the summer day settled in. He didn't want her paws to burn on the sand or something.

After he'd set her upon the sandy ground, she gazed at him with those captivating eyes of hers, her ropy tail wagging slowly behind her. Christ, she's cute. Grinning widely, the boy's lips parted to answer her, but before he could, another, vaguely familiar voice did. He turned hurriedly, taken aback. He hadn't expected to see anyone here at all. Not this early. Even more startling, perhaps, was that this was the man he'd met in Phoenix Valley several weeks (or was it months?) ago. "Jefferson?" Kansas managed to continue grinning through his surprise. It was rare that he had second encounters with those he met, probably because he never tried to.

The scarred wolf's words made something in Kansas's chest release. "Thanks." He often wondered what Iskata would have thought of his puppies. She probably wouldn't have babied them, but she would have been proud, he was sure. Kansas turned his sky eyes to his little girl, his expression calm. He didn't want her to be frightened of the one-eyed brute, because he trusted him for a reason he couldn't put his finger on. "Cam, this is Jefferson." He looked back toward the latter, "And this is Cambria."


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