Among the broken mirrors I don't look the same

She had not expected her days to be so .. dull. Yes, that was the word. She felt useless, and knew that this was not only a feeling. She could have spent it taking some additional rounds around the territory to gain further knowledge about the lands, but she felt nervous. There was family in these lands, and she was slowly realizing that she was avoiding them. Was it the shame? The Lykoi girl did not think that they would judge her harshly for her sire’s sins. Enigma was one of those that did. Although the dark girl found the general purebred wolf unattractive in many ways, she did not judge such individuals as harshly as her sand coloured brother. Jael was the same as then, although his appearance was not ideal. It was foolish to be so judgemental, especially with one’s own flesh and blood.

The girl groaned loudly as she padded aimlessly along the clan’s borders, not knowing what she believed in anymore. The trespasser was a most welcome surprise, and the youth quickened her pace to investigate what the stranger wanted. Ruby eyes were alert as she slowly approached, although Halo outmatched the other female’s size despite the fact that she was not fully grown. It was another coyote. What was it with odd alabaster coyotes and these lands? The Lykoi offspring could only assume that she was of mixed spirits, or something odd. She wanted to have knowledge to lean against for support. This was the second white coyote the darker girl had met, although Siobhan had been a member of Inferni. This one was nothing.

The girl cocked her head ever so slightly. ”Hi there,” the Inferni member called out, her tail slightly lifted as if to display dominance.


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