I've got a good mind to throw it all away...


don't let me be carried away

Only mere moments after her call had stopped it was answered by another. The voice did not belong to Cercelee and she did not believe it was Haku Soul either. Dahlia de Mai must have another leader that she had yet to meet. It didn't surprise her. The pack was incredibly large and undoubtedly needed all the leadership they could get. Contented that this unknown leader would be with her soon her mind wondered briefly. Why was it that so many times there was some conflict between the flower pack and her own? She knew that none of Crimson Dreams wanted Dahlia as an enemy and she felt fairly certain that at least the leaders of Dahlia de Mai felt the same way. She knew Cercelee didn't. So why was it there was always some incident? First had been what happened to Salem, though she had never come to talk with a leader about it. Then Leroy had caused trouble. She was thankful the pervert was no longer in the ranks. Naniko had been too lenient on the dog in her opinion. And now this. It made the woman uneasy. The last thing she wanted was an enemy.

The wolfess who appeared before her was interesting. Savina had never seen anyone quite like her before. The blue markings covering her body were beautiful and her eyes were pure white. Thankfully her mind was too overwrought with the current situation, otherwise she might have stared. She returned the respectful dip of the muzzle. This wolf's name was even foreign. Like nothing she had heard before, even in Italy. "Savina Marino. Lt. General of Crimson Dreams." The sable fey heaved an exasperated sigh, though it was obviously not directed at Cwmfen. "I wish that were the case, but I'm afraid not." Savina took a deep breath, doing her all to keep her nerves and anger in check. "Yesterday I was out in our lands with my three pups. My son got a burr in his paw and while I was helping him one of my daughters wandered off, though not far. A Dahlian wolf pounced on her and then proceeded to verbally assault her. As I ran up to find her I saw this woman hit my daughter. I charged her and knocked her over, warning her to leave. She spouted some lies about her trying to help my pup and I had to snap at her to make her leave." That quiet fire was burning in her jeweled eyes again. "I didn't get her name, but she was mottled browns and grays with some dark brown on her muzzle and blue eyes. Scrawny looking."


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