wrong words seem to rhyme

as they thank the lord
Just one other, please. This is about... 7 days shy of his birthday, but it's his sixth full moon.

the blind can't see

His quick, ground-eating stride was not to be mistaken; the child was headed somewhere, but to him, his destination was unknown. Rather, the young sadist was simply tired of the repetitiveness of the houses sprawling before him, the way they all looked the same and how the lawns were all destroyed or taken by nature. Many of the houses were becoming overgrown and wild with plants, but he paid as little attention to such details as he possibly could; none of them where important.

The coyote youth shouldered his way into one house, nails clicking on the ground as he padded through the neat, though abandoned, interior. He didn't spend much time rooting around the house, given the itching feeling deep inside of him that gnawed incessantly at his nerves, but instead ascended the stairs quickly, as was his fashion.

In one of the rooms, he located what he was searching for; a pair of khaki coloured shorts, long, with a simple drawstring and simple pockets. It was these shorts that Andrezej took, and it was in that house that he allowed the itching to take over. It took nearly twenty or thirty minutes — he lost track of time in the midst of it all — but when Andrezej Lykoi left the house wearing those khaki shorts that were, for now, slightly too big for him, it was clear to all that there had been reached a stage in which the young demon would take more advantage of.

For Andre had emerged an Optime, for the first time in his life.


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