thorns and roses
I've decided the roses aren't too far from the mansion. yup XD 300+

The young Marino was sprawled out on the porch of the mansion. Her hind legs stuck out behind her as her front paws and head rested on her butterfly toy. It was a lazy day for the pup, but she liked it that way right now. There had been a lot going on with her lately. Her daddy had taken her on that long trip up to the beach, and then her mommy had taken her to the tribe off to the west where she had met Noir. For someone who was not the adventurous type, it had been kind of exhausting. Not that she didn't enjoy it at the time, she had. But now all she wanted to do was lay around. Her breathing was calm and steady and her lids drooped and finally closed over her eyes. A nap was exactly what she wanted right now.

She couldn't say how long she had been asleep. A couple minutes or a couple hours, but when that painful yowl sounded through the otherwise silent air Cambria nearly jumped out of her fur. Before she knew it she was on her feet and her sea foam colored orbs were wide and panicked. What was that? It sounded like someone was hurt. The Marino girl was hardly the one to go out rescuing people (she imagined she was the one who would always need rescuing) but she felt the urge to go find who had been hurt. It hadn't sounded like any of her family, but maybe it had been and she would feel awful if she didn't go see them. So she awkwardly made her way down the stairs of the porch and bounded off towards the distressed noise.

As she was coming to where the roses were a strange man came into view, concentrating on his finger. Seeing that it was someone she didn't know her pace slowed and she approached cautiously. Maybe he was mean and maybe he'd get mad at her. That thought scared her, but she supposed she had come this far to see if he was alright it'd be stupid not to check. Her ears folded back against her head as she edged closer, though still kept a good distance. " you...okies?" she asked nervously, ready to take off at the first hint of aggression.


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