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sorry I are SLOW, Catharsis has gone back to look for Anka, should Cercelee tell Cat in this thread that her sister disappeared? Cer doesn’t know where she went.

....When Cercelee awoke she found herself still exhausted, as if sleep had not erase any of the weariness she had felt the night prior. Slay, his wounds still healing, slept beside her and his breaths came slow and deep, it seemed that perhaps he would wake with more energy than she did. Carefully extracting herself as to not wake up her mate, Cercelee tiptoed out of the small bedroom, across the stone floored kitchen and pushed open the door to the main area of the church. The morning light filtered through the stain glass and painted the wooden pews a variety of soft colors. If one ignored the chewed wood and scattered bones and other items dragged in from the outside, it could never have been guessed that five children had claimed the vast holy building as their playroom.

.... Cercelee moved along, poking her head in the two confession booths and finding no sign of the pups. Slowly she moved to the back of the church, where behind one of the smaller altars she found the single pups, fitfully asleep. For a long time she watched the girl, imagining that Catalyst had been suffering from the restless sleep that Cercelee had suffered from. The alabaster child was nearly identical to Cercelee, and Cercelee had noted that of all the puppies she cared for Catalyst’s personality coincided most to hers. She looked like her mother, she felt like her mother, but sometimes, when the puppies were awake, when they spoke to her, when they distanced themselves from her, she knew she wasn’t really, not really their mother. Sighing, she leaned closer to the child, nosing her gently.



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