I've got a good mind to throw it all away...

Sorry, this isn't the best o.o 300+

don't let me be carried away

Savina was a fairly good judge of character, or at least she liked to think so. Of course she had had her mistakes, Leroy being the most notable. However, despite the situation at hand, she could tell that under normal circumstances she would enjoy the company of this intriguing wolf. She found herself wanting to know where she came from. Perhaps it had to do with her being on foreign soil as well, that being not from her made her feel a sort of kinship with others in that situation. But now was not the time for that. "It is a pleasure for me as well, Cwmfen," she said with sincerity, despite the slight strain in her voice. She could tell that she would feel more comfortable dealing with Cwmfen than with Haku Soul. While nothing had happened that day, she had come to realize that there were more reasons that she felt uneasy around the man than just him being wounded and covered in blood and her being pregnant.

Cwmfen's words did much to calm her, surprisingly. She could feel the tension slowly begin to melt from her body. Just knowing that the leadership of Dahlia was aware of the incident and the problem made her feel much better. The woman nodded her head. "I thank you for the apology, though it is not you that has needs to give it." She had done no different when Haku had come explaining what had happened with Leroy. Even though they were not responsible, leaders felt the need to compensate for their pack member's behavior. "No, she will be fine, just some bruising. Thankfully it was her and not my timid daughter. She probably would have never wanted to leave the mansion again." Having that happen to Cambria would have been devastating to the little girl. Amata could fairly easily shrug off the encounter though.

Tokyo Chance. Savina took the name and stored it to her memory. She didn't have many people that she considered an enemy, but this woman was now one of them. Anyone that hurt a member of her pack, and most especially her family, was permanently on her bad side. The Lt. General was glad to hear that Tokyo's transgression would not go unpunished. Once again she nodded her head, satisfied with how this had went. She didn't enjoy dealing with these sorts of things, but at least it had never been too much of a struggle. "Cercelee is a friend of mine, I know that she will not. And I thank you, Cwmfen, for your understanding." It wasn't hard to imagine someone that wouldn't be so helpful, and she was thankful that that had not been the case. "You should let her also know that she is not welcome in Crimson Dreams. If I find her there again I will make her leave, by force if it is necessary." Savina did not want that woman near her home again.


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