That Day Has Come
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Onus didn't even feel the wolf's hands claw his arms. All he could feel was the exhilaration he felt as he pulled the throat from his greatest enemy. The blood spattered against his torso, staining his pure white front. As he looked down at the crow wolf he crushed that torn out windpipe between his jaws. A final show of his victory. Then he spit it out to the side, just as Corvus had spit out Onus' flesh all those moons ago. The blood dripped from his now closed maw as he stared down at the dying beast. The sound of that air whistling in his throat almost made him grin, but his face had returned to that stoic expression. Soon the body of Corvus Vendetta lay lifeless beneath him, and his rage was gone. That fire that had fueled all his actions this morning was quenched with blood and the life of this demon.

And now his mind turned, turned back to that one he had done all this for. A panic lit in his eyes again and he rose and stumbled over to her fallen form. "Cwmfen?" he said softly, his rough voice strained. She couldn't be dead, she couldn't be. Gingerly he lifted her up, her shoulders cradled by his arm. He pressed his ear to her nose and the soft sound of her breathing was perhaps the sweetest thing he had ever heard. The man reached behind him, grabbing his discarded coat and wrapped it around her battered form. "You've got to hold on Cwmfen. I'm going to help you I just need you to stay with me." There was a desperate note in his voice that had never been there before. He moved his other arm to cradle her behind her knees and then gingerly he rose back up, leaving the room and the dead man behind.

As he walked that distance the overwhelming sense of failure descended upon him. He had killed Corvus, but not before he had had his way with Cwmfen. He had failed her and failed miserably. He had not fulfilled his promise to her and he had never felt so awful. Feeling her limp form in his arms almost made him want to cry. The man had never cried. Not since that day he had almost died at his mother's jaws. But crying now would not help her, and help she needed. Carefully he climbed the stairs towards his apartment, making sure not to jostle her around. Once he reached his room he walked and placed her on the bed, dark eyes searching her face. "Cwmfen wake up...please..."


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