hear the sigh of the trees

Cambria too D8 They should never grow up! 500+

The puppy before her was just like baby! The brown girl was so small and cute! There was a flush of warmth in the older child’s face and chest, an emotion she knew well. It was adoration. The feeling was intense, and the girl had to restrain herself from going halfway insane with excitement. Had the Aston children ever been this small? It was impossible! Maybe if the girl stopped looking so scared, Noir could ask her if she wanted to play mommy and baby! Oh, yes that would have been so amazing. Noir wanted the little brown child to be her baby. The golden eyed girl had finally started to accept the fact that Toefur was nothing but a faded pink toy. It was sad, but Baby Duck was compensating for that. Oh, yes! Now Noir could have two babies if the other girl wanted to play!

Cambreaah, so so pretty name! ”Cambreeaah!” Noir echoed instantly, an echo multiplied many times. Oh, and she was so cute and polite. The girl went on about her ‘butterfwie’ (oh gosh why could she not be Noir’s cute baby!), and the girl cringed slightly, her mind overheating with ideas. Oh, she wanted to drag little Cambreeaah over to the special flower field with almost a million butterflies in many different colours. Oh, and perhaps they could go and check out the sowing field. The dandelions should be in full bloom by now. Did Cambreeeah like flowers too? Noir’s mind raced, almost forgetting about the poor little girl. The tan girl’s mind snapped back to the presence when Toefur’s name sounded from the small girl’s mouth. Without another word, the oldest girl vanished into the dark to retrieve her oldest, pinkest friend.

A squeak erupted from the duckling in the darkness as she somehow managed to step on its head. She had not put her weight on it, so luckily the bird’s head did not crack. Her hackles rose in instant fear, and she crunched down to drown the little thing in saliva, her tongue silently screaming thousand apologies. Hmm, maybe Cambreeah would want to see the newest Noir baby? Yes! The light girl poked her head out of the darkness again, wearing another of her many versions of excited smiles. Quickly, the rest of her body jolted out of the den, her lightly coloured tail waving back and forth. Toefur was already forgotten by the older child, and the younger girl probably also would in a few moments. Noir winked at the other girl before she mewled softly, eyes wandering to the darkness of the den.

A moment passed in silence, but finally the grey ducking followed, head and neck moving mechanically as it took in the bright light and the unknown being. Noir was not sure if it was happy or sad or excited or anything, because Baby Duck seemed to be a bit weird in its head. It was okay though, because it was still cute, and Noir knew that all mothers loved their children no matter if they were defunct or not. ”Caambreeah, meet my baby, Baby Duck.” the girl said, as proud as any mother would be, or at least almost!


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