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He had helped her move some of her things over already, like her dresses, but they hadn't actually asked permission for her to join yet. She hadn't been sure about leaving Inferni at all...but if there was one thing that she was sure of it was Haven. She knew she wanted to be with him, to make up all of the time that they had ever spent apart. She wanted to fall asleep every night knowing that he was just a few feet away from her if she ever needed him for anything. And in turn, she would do anything for him.

She came to the borders of the packlands. Siobhan was wearing a new dress today, a simple red cloth one that went nearly down to her white feet. It was a new dress for a new day. A new life. The girl gave a small, yipping howl, wringing her hands together as she watched the horizonline anxiously. She had never tried to join a pack before. What would she do if she was denied?


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