the distance between you and me
He had grown short and moody in the time that Ril'o had left their world. He didn't really know what to do or what to say anymore, so in turn he'd taken to avoiding everyone from those he knew best to the newcomers of the pack. His world had turned to the night where fewer of his packmates seemed to dwell and made it harder for the two toned male to be found. He didn't mind that at all since his mood fit the dark and angry world of the night. His ears swiveled to and fro as the small sounds of the evening.

He'd been walking down the rows of houses in the small town, the scent of a few of his packmates were strong but he just ignored them. There was little that he wanted with his pack right now but to be left alone. He'd even forgotten his obsessive infatuation with the Adonis, the loss of a friend shadowing everything recently. He paused a second to scratch at an itch along his ribs, knowing soon he'd have to take a roll in a patch of tansy to rid himself of the pesky fleas. He really hated having to search out the stupid plants, but atleast it would end one of his problems, even if it was a small one..

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