make me believe
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We close this now? PPed her leaving the cabin if that’s okay?

Why making children happy delighted him, he had no clue. Yet Zana’s smile, her twinkling eyes made his heart swell up with happiness. Had anyone else described this feeling to him, or the reason it came about, he would have smirked, called them soft, pathetic even. Yet children, they were great. So innocent, so silly, so full of life. And they loved to play games. Would he love Emwe and Conor when they grew up as much as he did now? It was hard to say, and Lysander didn’t really want to know the answer.

Slowly he led her to the door of his cabin, it was only right to escort her out of him home. “You’re welcome Just Zana. Come back and visit when ya’ve got a few dead birds under your belt, yeah?” Slowly he scooted her out of his cabin, but she was ready to go anyway, that had been clear. Closing the door behind her, Lysander dropped to the floor and sighed, exhausted and happy and feeling like Santa Claus.


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