But I seem to need to all the time
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The woad bound ears flickered. If Svara had indeed been taken in by another pack, there would be much trouble that the Lilium would have caused. And, if such a thing were the case, the woad marked female did not believe that it would be the first time. Her mind fell immediately upon the War between Inferni and Dahlia de Mai, although she had only heard stories of it, having arrived within these lands just as the war ended. But when the Lilium claimed that there had been no distinguishing mark of a pack upon her, the woman was allowed to feel relieved. She believed that this were so, for the Lilium would not lie about such a thing. And the warrior felt that it would be difficult for a pack to even accept the girl Svara because of her behavior. It was the same behavior that got her exiled from the pack, and it was the same behavior that allegedly had brought the blue eyed Lilium to the door with Death upon his jaws.

The woad warrior briefly met the gaze of the Rosea. While Cwmfen nic Graine wanted to believe the word of the Lilium, the story seemed somehow strange. It was unlike Haku to allow a smaller female, inexperienced in the arts of war as she was (and the warrior knew the girl’s skill, having given her marginal training herself), to get so close to lay such a wound upon him. The warrior knew that the Lilium had seen the exchanged looks, but it was he, not they, that returned to the land questionably. She knew that the Rosea had requested from the Lilium to control himself, and thus far, since her joining, he had done well. Although the warrior did not necessarily believe in the limiting of ones freedom, she understood that Haku’s behavior could cause problems—once more the War came to mind. "And what was she doing so close to you," the warrior asked, that quiet melody unwavering in the air.

The woman turned her head, the white eyes finally looking upon the woman whose name appeared to be Lilith. There was a brief moment of silence in which the Adonis regarded her with those steady, quiet eyes that seemed to see beyond what was simply standing before her. Cwmfen could sense some sort of unrefined darkness within the other, but she did not know what to make of that knowledge. As if to aid the Dreamer in her acquisition, the pied Raven glided down, landing upon the Raven Dreamer’s shoulder. The one eye considered the Rosea first before turning upon the one called Lilith. "And why do you expect us to trust the word of a strange loner?" The alto melody of the warrior spoke directly to the female in question, voicing, perhaps, what the Rosea wished to voice as well. It was as if, as Warrior, the Adonis could openly challenge the word of the other, and there was indeed a quiet challenge within those pale eyes.


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