That Day Has Come
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She did not recoil from his touch, and for that he was thankful. He wished that she could let her worries fall away so that she could rest. That was what she needed now, more than anything else. She needed to sleep and let her body recover from this horrible ordeal. He had done what he could, but it would all go for nothing if she couldn't rest. But as she sighed he could feel her slipping out of consciousness. He felt her body relax and for a moment his heart stopped, worried that she was not simply falling into sleep but falling out of this world. Dark eyes widened and he watched her intently. But her chest still rose and fell with that constant breathing and he was relieved. The man sat there with her at the side of the bed for a long while. How long he couldn't say, for time felt suspended for him. It neither moved forward or back.

Finally, when he was certain that she was in a deep slumber he moved from the bed. The one thing he had neglected to do was to clean the now dried blood from his muzzle and chest. The vigilante dampened a rag with water and scrubbed the reddish brown from his white fur. He washed away all traces of that dark man from his body. He scrubbed his muzzle as well and then took a drink of water to wash that metallic taste from his tongue. Now the only blood that remained on him was his own. Eyes of obsidian watched her a while longer, then quietly, careful not to make any noise that would risk waking her, he exited the apartment. Walking down the stairs he promised himself he would be quick about this. But he wouldn't be able to rest until he had taken care of that body and the room of sin it lay in.

As he entered that horrid hotel once more he walked over to what had once been its bar. He grabbed a couple bottles and a pack of matches and then walked to the room. Corvus' body still lay there, a puddle of blood beneath the beast's head. He stared at that creature for a while and then violently kicked the corpse. Moving with purpose he collected his eye wrap and hat. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something made of metal. Turning he saw that it was Cwmfen's sword. He picked it up with his belongings and deposited them near the entrance of the building. Returning to the room he picked up the first bottle and poured it over the bed and the floor around it. Once it was emptied he opened the second one and poured about half of it over the corpse of the crow wolf. He placed the half empty bottle in the dead man's jaws. Onus walked to the threshold of that room and looked in with empty orbs. His hand lifted and struck the match. He threw the match into the room and felt the heat of the sudden burst of flames wash his face. It would all burn away. This room would not be allowed to haunt them.

The coyote moved and picked up their belongings, feeling as if he were moving through some sort of dream world. None of it felt real, and yet he knew how real it all was. Legs that suddenly felt too heavy for him moved up the stairs and entered the apartment. Carefully he placed her blade on the floor and hung his hat on a hook. Then the man took the bottled water and his eye wrap and returned to sit beside the bed. He poured the water over the cloth and began to wash out where the wolf's blood stained teeth had left their mark.


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