I've got a good mind to throw it all away...
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A light smile danced upon the warrior’s lips. "The behavior of our members reflect upon our leadership," the soft melody replied, insistent that the apology be completely received. "It seems as if we have not stressed the importance of inter-pack relations, and such behavior is inexcusable." While the black female was not a diplomat or a social creature, she was a warrior and thus highly disciplined, regardless of the fact that such discipline had been instilled by her father. Thus she understood the importance of respect and representation, for they walked hand in hand. Where ever Dahlian wolves traveled, they should have been representing their pack with civil behavior. She knew well that battles would be imminent, but an incident such as this should not have occurred at all. And that bothered the Adonis most of all; she didn’t want to have Dahlia causing trouble in these lands that already contained a dangerous tension.

"I’m relieved to hear that she’s fine," the warrior replied. While the black female was not particularly fond of pups, she never wanted harm to come to them. She recognized that the pups were the most important units of the pack if only because they would one day be the leaders of the lands. Catalyst and Ezekiel had been two youths that had been tolerable, however, the woman thought briefly. Her attention returned to the Lieutenant General Crimson Dreams. It would have been unfortunate indeed if the pup had been frightened. "I understand," the woman replied. "I know that pups can be traumatized at such young ages." Instead of thinking of her own childhood, the woman thought of Conor and Emwe, who had been missing for nearly a moon before they were returned home, and she thought of Avarice, who had been attacked, as other pups had been, by Brennt. A quiet frown came across her lips. She felt upset by what could have happened to this female’s pups on account of her pack member’s behavior.

The woad marked female was not surprised to find that Cercelee and Savina should be friends. The white Rosea was kind and just, a respectable individual that the Adonis respected highly. The black female with eyes like the forest seemed similarly motivated, her civil behavior in the face of her daughter’s attack quite commendable. The warrior gave a single, curt nod in response. "It is the least that I can do," that alto song replied, but she was certain that she would not simply offer understanding but action against Tokyo’s behavior. "I will be sure to inform Cercelee of this incident, and I will help to enforce that decision." There was a slight pause. "I’m sorry that it was not Cercelee who answered your call—she must be busy," the woman said with a smile and a lighthearted wave of her tail. "She has her paws full pups these days." Indeed, the de Sadira pups were many, more than the warrior could handle—she could hardly handle one.


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