Burn out Brighter
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pants on fire!

The last time she had seen him Mati had to try to understand. She had to fight to accept the reality that her brother could no longer call her pack home. Since then she had changed, and she could understand. The attack had left her more then just wounded, but broken beyond her ability to heal instantly. She had once been able to take tragity and move passed it without a second glance. She had been able to ignore the emotional scars and find happiness in anything else. Now she cold not ignore the evidence that lines her forarms. And forgetting while nightly dreams reminded her was impossible. She was beginning to learn to deal, fix what was wrong within and move on completely. It still hurt that Haven found comfort among strangers, but it was fate and it was right. She could not blame Haven for finding his way.

She nodded, yes he did. But smiled as he explained where he was, and that it wasn’t far. The news brought a happiness that she had forgotten existed. Though tears played at her eyes they were not from sadness, but understanding and gratitude. She was so thankful that he was no longer a hurt and tattered soul. He was a knight, finally. He had become exactly who he was meant to be. He was more then just the boy she called brother, but a man that had grown leaps and bounds and realized his purpose in life. He would always be a step ahead, leading the way. It was familiar and Mati felt very comfortable in the knowledge that she would be following soon. She would find her way, just as he had.

Haven. The brown hued wolfess spoke, gently and without the anger that had hit him before. I am so happy for you. it was genuine, and came from her heart. She took a breath, and smiled. I will need to see this new place, to meet you King and the rest of your pack. Mati still wanted to be part of her brothers life, no matter how far he might be from her. And a knight! Wait till our mothers hear that. Eyes looked to the creature beside him, but he did not look with her, and instead his head went down to her arms.

Her heart sank, and she suddenly felt ashamed. It was easy to keep things from any other, but Haven was so different. They never kept secrets, and they were always honest with each other. The only one she had told the entire truth to had been Anu, Naniko didn’t even know that he had tried to rape her. And so she lied Oh. Mati spoke, a laugh hidden in her voice. You know the old apple tree in momma’s garden? Fell right out of it. She spoke, extending her arm to show the Aatte male the scars and then brought her arm to rest against her stomach. She had nothing to hide, only the truth.

table by Syd


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