i will battle for the sun.
Out Of Character

    However many, I don't care. :3

In Character
    Upon her re-entry into Inferni, Kaena was alive again in a way she had not been since she left. The fire ran through her blood again, she felt it course through her fiercely and make her fingertips and ear-tips tingle, even all the way to the very end of her tail. This place was home, certainly—it was home in a way nothing else had ever been in Kaena's existence, and she had realized it, finally, upon ending up thousands of miles away, unable to find her way back. It was then that the ache had started, and though she had suffered only a minor injury in her leg, with every step she took it had burned and screamed like she was being freshly stabbed.

    That pain was gone, and its scalding heat was replaced with one that made Kaena feel years younger. The hybrid held her head high as she explored the new territories eagerly. They were vastly different from the former Inferni homelands, which were little more than a stretch of beach and a strip of forest. It had been home, though, and Kaena defended it fiercely. They couldn't have settled anywhere else, regardless—at times, the former Inferni had been a weak clan, and perhaps it was only the ocean at their backs that had saved it from dismemberment.

    It was not long before the Lykoi came across the mansion. It hulked up in her view, gray and deteriorated on its exterior. Some of the shutters were falling or had fallen, leaving lighter-colored, fresher paint beneath where they had been for years. The house was huge, and though it had a clear front entrance, Kaena could also smell several well-worn paths to lesser entryways into the compound. She started down the front road, and headed toward the main entrance, though she turned sharply and headed through the overgrown front yard on one of the dirt paths cutting across it. There was a wrap-around porch, though the doorway was locked shut and Kae jiggled the handle only to find it was securely locked. So she turned away, and settled on the step of the porch, her elbows on her knees.

    The sun was setting steadily and the sky had begun to glow, streaking red, orange, and yellow across the puffy clouds that had formed empty threats of rain in the afternoon. They seemed to be blowing out now, retreating over the mountains to perhaps fall on the burned ruins of the old territories. Life would return there eventually, for certain—but it would be years and years before the place returned to its original state, and Kaena knew she would be in the ground long before then. The coyote relaxed, listening to the birds scream at the sun, pleading for it to say just an hour longer. She was far more comfortable at night, having grown accustomed to traveling by it and sleeping during the day during her long time away.


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