That Day Has Come
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This makes me think of Garden State where he cried for the first time in years and they caught it in a paper cup

Right after he had woke he wished he hadn't seemed so startled. It was out of his nature to be that way and he knew it must have been a little disturbing for her. Right now she needed strength and someone to lean on. He needed to try and not let his emotions overrun him, for her sake. But as he made contact with her eyes he saw a flicker of fear and heard her breath catch before she turned her face from him. Large ears laid back against his head. She saw him when she saw my eyes... That hurt worse than any physical wound he had ever received. Including the ones that had nearly claimed his life. Those dark eyes became downcast. Free fingers rubbed against the cloth of his wrap. "I can hide them. If that would be better for you." The man did his best to keep the hurt from his words. It wasn't her fault. Though Onus was sure he had never felt more ashamed of those orbs as he did right now.

Even now her grasp upon his hand was so weak. He knew he couldn't expect anymore. Not after her body and her soul had been through so much. Still it frightened him. Cwmfen had always been so strong, both mentally and physically. Seeing her now in such a deteriorated state was hard. It showed how close he had come to losing her. To losing the one thing he truly had to live for. His mission was one thing and something he would always be devoted to. But he knew that eventually it would kill him. He would fall in the line of duty. He had accepted that fact long ago and that was one of the reasons death held no fear for him. But losing her...without her he wasn't sure if he could go on. Not anymore. Not now when she meant so much to the loner.

Somewhat timidly he looked back up to her when her soft voice broke through that stagnant, silent air. He didn't want to provoke the same response and so kept his eyes half lidded. While Onus had hoped such words would bring calm to his troubled mind and heart, they did little. They floated across his ears like wind, not sinking in. It wasn't alright. How could it possibly be alright? Everything he had been striving for these past weeks had been for naught. Corvus had gotten what he wanted and Cwmfen had paid the price. Her next quiet words did more, but not enough to purge him of his guilt. "No...I should have tried harder. I should have thought of him being here in the city. He was right here. And I missed him. I was out searching the woods the whole night while you..." He could say no more. His eyes clamped shut and he pressed his forehead against her hand. Then a single tear ran down his face. The man had been fighting it back ever since he had rushed to her side and he could not fight it anymore. He did not have the strength.


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