they'll break your throne
Heehee :3 and yeah, that works for me. 300+

........The small girl had been playing in Cottontail Valley again. Playing with the dandelions had become one of her favorite things to do. It never got old. Plus the flowers here were all so pretty and there was always a couple butterflies around. The lesson she had learned had been engraved into her tender heart and she made sure never to try and touch them. Mommy had said when she was older and could go on two legs like all the adults could that she would teach her how to handle the butterflies without hurting them. She very much looked forward to that. But for now she was content just to watch the pretty bugs. Today she had also met a baby bunny. He was so much teenier than she was it reminded her of Noir's baby duckling. She had chatted with him, even though he couldn't understand her. He hadn't ran away from instinctual fear and Cambria had had no desire to hurt the nice bunny.

........Momma bunny came by and hurried him off though. That made her a little sad. She hadn't been going to hurt the bunny! But she guessed the mommy hadn't known that. She was just trying to be a good mommy. Well, she was glad that he had a good mommy. Everyone needed a good mother. A small yawn split her mouth and she blinked somewhat drowsily. While the mansion wasn't very far, she didn't feel comfortable napping outside of it's shadow. Anywhere else ran the risk of not being safe. So lazily the pup got back to her feet and started at a slow pace back towards the house.

........Unknowingly she had gone to the farthest edge of the valley, the closest to the borders. Her nose wasn't very good and she couldn't tell really where the borders of the pack was. Not yet anyway. Though the Marino girl didn't even think about that. The valley was inside the packlands, that much she knew, and therefore it was okay for her to be there. She hadn't been paying much attention when her ears pricked forward at a noise. It sounded like whining. Curious, the puppy followed it. Soon she saw another puppy, but their back was turned to her. Cambria's inexperienced nose couldn't recognize the scent of the other puppy though, so she didn't realize that it was that boy that had been so mean. "Whas da matters?" Were they lost?


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