Erase Myself
before you tell yourself

it's just a different scene

She'd inherited certain things from each of her parents. From Thanos she had gotten a mild temperment and a few flecks of red on her back, and from Deuce she had gotten her otherwise white coat and her mismatching eyes; one blue and one yellow. Deuce had told her that her old pack had believed the eyes were a sign of a curse, but so far life hadn't been that bad for Dierdre. Not enough to call her existance a "curse".

It was freezing inside the church, just as much as it was outside...just with less wind. She rubbed her arms a little. Sometimes she wondered if it would be a good idea to try wearing some clothes...but had decided against it. Clothes would be too much of a hinderance if she ever needed to shift really quickly back into her four legged form. She usually just stayed in werewolf, though.

Dierdre heard a voice and looked up. She'd thought she was alone. Maybe Pilot was here? He did show up some places that she went. But no, it didn't sound like his voice. "Then you must be the sinner seeking repent" She said in return, approaching. Dierdre was both intrigued and frightened at the same time. Whoever it was, she was alone with them. The church was dark, but she could make out his form. The adrenaline was pumping, taking control, and she let herself go a little. The girl looked down at him. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned" She said mockingly.

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